Procedural Flowchart

What curricular changes need to go through EPC?

Course Specific

Course Specific ChangeEPC Process
New course, addition to the catalogTo EPC for formal approval, then to full Faculty for a vote
New course, limited-time offeringTo EPC for formal approval, information passed along to Faculty via electronic report
Changing an existing course to a Shared Passages seminarTo EPC for formal approval, then to full Faculty for a vote
– Proposals should first be submitted to the Associate Provost who works with the Shared Passages Program committee (SPP) to review and forward to EPC.
Dropping Shared Passages seminar status from a courseTo EPC for formal approval, information passed along to Faculty via electronic report
Dropping a course from the catalogNotice to Registrar only
– If course was required for major, to EPC for our information, to pass along to Faculty in electronic report
– Members of EPC or the Registrar’s Office may notice curricular implications of small changes and ask for revisions or reconsiderations
Change a course numberTo EPC for our information, to pass along to Faculty in electronic report
– Members of EPC or the Registrar’s Office may notice curricular implications of small changes and ask for revisions or reconsiderations
Change a course titleTo EPC for our information, to pass along to Faculty in electronic report
– Members of EPC or the Registrar’s Office may notice curricular implications of small changes and ask for revisions or reconsiderations
Change a course descriptionTo EPC for our information, to pass along to Faculty in electronic report
– Members of EPC or the Registrar’s Office may notice curricular implications of small changes and ask for revisions or reconsiderations
Add/drop a pre‐requisite within your departmentTo EPC for our information, to pass along to Faculty in electronic report
– Members of EPC or the Registrar’s Office may notice curricular implications of small changes and ask for revisions or reconsiderations
Add/drop a pre‐requisite outside your departmentTo EPC for formal approval, information passed along to Faculty via electronic report.
Add a credited lab component to your courseTo EPC for formal approval, then to full Faculty for a vote


Majors/Minors/Concentrations ChangesEPC Process
Changes in the number of units requiredTo EPC for formal approval, information passed along to Faculty via electronic report
Changes that have impact outside of departments, e.g., cognate requirementsTo EPC for formal approval, information passed along to Faculty via electronic report
Changes that do not involve the total number of units or affect other departments (e.g. which internal courses can count as electives, a restructuring of the required sequence of internal courses, etc.)To EPC for our information, to pass along to Faculty in electronic report.

College Wide

College Wide Changes
Number of units required for graduationTo EPC for formal approval, then to full Faculty for a vote
General education requirementsTo EPC for formal approval, then to full Faculty for a vote
SIP policiesTo EPC for formal approval, then to full Faculty for a vote