
About EPC

This is how the Kalamazoo College Faculty Handbook defines our charge:

Faculty (and administrators) on Educational Policies Committee (EPC) oversee the educational programs of the College for which academic credit is granted. Members of EPC will, therefore, endeavor to accomplish the following: 

  1. Recommend to the faculty any addition, or removal, of a course or program to, or from, the curriculum of the College.
  2. Review other curricular changes proposed by departments.
  3. Make recommendations to the faculty on matters of educational policy.
  4. Advise the Provost and other administrators on matters of educational policy.
  5. Review applications from departments for open tenure-track faculty lines and review proposals to add, move, or eliminate lines and advise the Provost when lines are assigned to departments.
  6. Annually review and update curricular sections of the College catalogue to reflect faculty and committee decisions during the previous year.

The majority of our efforts are spent reviewing proposals from our colleagues in categories 1, 2, and 5. We hope that the information on this website will clarify and simplify that process, but welcome you to contact us with additional questions at the email address below.